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Fleas are one of the most common external parasites in dogs/cats. Fleas not only cause itching, and other skin problems but they can also transmit diseases. The vast majority of the flea life cycle (eggs, larvae, pupae) are found off the pet and around your home.

Flea Life Cycle: The life cycle of the flea consists of egg, larvae, pupal and adult fleas. Eggs are laid in the hair coat of your pet and are made to fall off your pet into your home. Larvae hatch from the eggs that were laid and develop in the pets environment by feeding on the adult fleas feces that come from the hair coat of your pet. The larvae will then spin cocoons for the pupation stage. New fleas develop from the pupae and can start to feed within hours of finding a new host (dog/cat). The pupae are freezing, drying and insecticide resistant. This whole lifecycle can be completed in as little as 3 weeks.

We try to control fleas by flea control products that are available for both dogs and cats. Fleas can live indoors all year round so year-round flea prevention is recommended!
